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Water Services

With extensive experience, we excel in rehabilitating and safeguarding water pipelines, ensuring their structural integrity is restored to perfection. Equipped with both the expertise and the necessary resources, we seamlessly integrate with your contracting team, offering invaluable support. As we strive towards achieving zero leakage by 2050, we collaborate closely with water companies and contractors, facilitating retrofits to existing networks with minimal disruption to customer supply. Whether it's standard PE, metallic pipes, or bespoke dimensions, trust the Radius Subterra team to deliver efficient solutions that save time and cut project costs without compromising on excellence.

Subterra potable

Our Services

PE Bespoke Branch Saddles

Versatile saddles tailored for pipelines of all sizes. Lightweight design, reliable electrofusion technology, and compliance with industry standards ensure leak-proof connections. Ideal for diverse pipeline applications.

PE & Metallic Under-Pressure Connections

Leading under-pressure connections for PE and metallic pipelines. Expertise in diverse materials, transparency through site reports, and meticulous calipering services. Efficient, all-in-one supply and installation solutions.

PE Flow Stopping / Line Stopping

Explore tailored solutions: MLS for metallic gas, inflatable stops for low pressure, IRIS for medium pipelines, and versatile stoppling methods. Time-saving, cost-effective options for various sizes and pressures.

Comprehensive Testing and Commissioning Services

Specialising in rigorous pipeline integrity testing. Our suite offers advanced hydrostatic, acoustic, and pneumatic testing, alongside comprehensive chlorination services.


Pipeline Rehabilitation

Unlock unparalleled expertise in fortifying your pipeline's integrity. Our polyethylene (PE) lining and coating technologies combat leaks, structural dilemmas, and corrosion with unmatched precision.

Pipelet Subterra White

Contact Us

Ready to tackle your toughest pipeline challenges? At Radius Subterra, there's nothing we can't do. Contact us today to discuss your project needs and let our expert team deliver innovative solutions tailored to your requirements.