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Gender Inclusivity in the Utilities Sector

Webinar: 2nd October 2024

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Webinar 2nd October 2024

Addressing one of the most pressing challenges facing the utility sector today: the skill shortage. We are joined by a line-up of panelists spanning the across the industry, from  Wales & West Utilities, The Women in Utilities Network, Develop Training and Radius Systems.

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The Experts & Key Topics

Rob Long Wales West Utilities

Rob Long

Wales & West Utilities

Sarah Hopkins

Sarah Hopkins

Women in Utilities Network

Helen Foord

Helen Foord

Radius Systems


Nicola Smith

Develop Training

The Skills Shortage Challenge

Radius Systems invites you to join a thought-provoking webinar aimed at tackling one of the most pressing challenges facing the utility sector today: the skill shortage. We are joined by a line of panelists from across the industry from Wales & West Utilities, Women in Utilities Network, Develop Training and Radius Systems.

Introducing Sarah Hopkins, former Wales & West Utilities HR Director who is now Director of Pathways People Solutions and Director of the Womens Utilities Network. Sarah will share with us the changing nature of skills and experiences in the sector, referencing highlights of the recent report by the Womens Utilities Network on Unconscious Bais, including revealing insights such as the fact that 1/3 of women are considering leaving the industry because they feel unheard. We will debate practical steps that organisations can implement to address this issue through having important conversations, development opportunities such as coaching and psychological safety, and the implementation of policies and practices. Sarah will also look at the role of gender equality in the sustainability narrative.

What Happens in the Real World

Helen Forde, HR Director of Radius Systems who brings 24 years of working at engineering giant Rolls Royce also shares practical insights into best practices and the application of realistic gender inclusive tactics for smaller organisations.

Along with Rob Long, Chief Operating Officer from Wales & West Utilities who addresses what Utility companies are currently and should be doing to address the challenge of not attracting and retaining enough women in the industry.

To bring real life lived experience, Nicola Smith former British Gas Engineer and Chloe Akers, current Project Manager at I&G Contractors share how they've preserved through misconceptions and why they advocate working in this sector for women.

Inclusivity Diversity Gender Inclusivity Diversity Gender Inclusivity Diversity Gender

Skills Shortage Utilities Skills Shortage Utilities Skills Shortage Utilities

Workforce Contractors Barriers Workforce Contractors Barriers Workforce Contractors Barriers

Solutions Advancement Strategies Solutions Advancement Strategies Solutions Advancement Strategies

Other Webinars

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