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Carnoustie Case Study

In February an accidental incident occurred that resulted in a 10” gas main being damaged, and a hole being drilled into the main. The incident was near to the main railway line between Edinburgh and Aberdeen. This incident posed significant risks to public safety, property and caused major disruptions to train services and local facilities in Carnoustie, Scotland.

Subterra gas

The Challenges Subterra Faced:

Risk of Accident: The proximity of the damaged pipeline to the train line heightened the risk of a potential gas leak, necessitating a swift resolution.

Major Disruption: The incident led to the suspension of train services, requiring immediate deployment of rail replacement buses and evacuation of nearby facilities.

Access Difficulties: The damaged pipeline traversed multiple properties and railway infrastructure, posing challenges for repair works within a tight timeframe.

Potential Impact: As a critical gas supply line, shutting off the gas flow for repairs would have affected numerous properties, requiring extensive safety checks upon restoration.

The Radius Subterra Solution:

Emergency Response: The gas network owner promptly engaged Radius Subterra, a specialist pipeline engineering company known for its immense technical expertise spanning decades and bespoke solutions.

Collaborative Approach: Radius Subterra collaborated with the gas network owner to devise an innovative solution that ensured continuous gas flow while addressing the damage.

Unique Solution: Radius Subterra installed a Minimuss 150mm outlet branch saddle on the damaged 268mm pipeline, creating a bypass to maintain gas flow safely. This allowed the gas to continue flowing while repairs were underway.

Damage Encapsulation: To permanently fix the leak, Radius Subterra fitted a Minimuss 250mm branch saddle over the damaged section, securing the pipeline and preventing further leakage. This was completed by blanking the outlet off, ensuring a safe and permanent solution.


Minimised Disruption

The innovative solution averted the need for replacing the entire pipeline, mitigating disruption to transportation and local facilities. Train services could resume promptly.

Enhanced Safety

Rapid response and collaboration ensured the safety of nearby residents, passengers, and properties, preventing potential accidents. Evacuation measures could be lifted quickly.

Cost Efficiency

By swiftly resolving the issue, both the financial and societal costs associated with prolonged disruption were minimised. Rail replacement services and evacuation measures were in place for a shorter duration.


The successful collaboration between the gas network owner and Radius Subterra demonstrates the importance of proactive emergency response and innovative problem-solving in critical infrastructure incidents. By prioritising safety and efficiency, the teams effectively mitigated risks, minimised disruptions, and ensured the swift restoration of essential services. The use of bespoke solutions tailored to the unique challenges of the situation highlights the value of specialised expertise in managing such incidents effectively.

Learn more about our Minimuss Branch Saddle

Explore Radius Subterra's bespoke Branch Saddles for efficient and reliable pipeline connections. Crafted to meet EN standards, our lightweight design streamlines installation, while electrofusion technology ensures versatility.

Minimus Strap Full Assembly
Pipelet Subterra White

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